So far, 2015 has all the hallmarks of another busy year. With existing projects being extended, and new jobs coming thick and fast at our Dorset and Nottinghamshire offices, we will most likely be recruiting again soon. New projects on our books this January include:

  • Nottinghamshire - Extended Phase 1 Habitat & Ecology Survey for a student accommodation development in Nottingham city centre.
  • Hampshire - Phase 2, ground-truthing of an adder survey and creation of a GIS hibernaculum inventory across the New Forest.
  • Dorset - Extended Phase 1 Habitat & Ecology Survey for a housing development near Poole.
  • Dorset - Extended Phase 1 Habitat & Ecology Survey for a commercial development at Winfrith Green Technology Park.
  • Dorset - Heathland restoration and biodiversity mitigation consultancy for dual carriageway rebuilding works near Bournemouth.
  • Dorset - EPS reptile mitigation for a minerals site near Wool.

Other projects we have been asked to supply quotes for this week include: Extended Phase 1 Habitat Surveys in Oxfordshire and Dorset; sand lizard survey and mitigation licence in Dorset. We're also jointly bidding for invertebrate monitoring across Scotland, together with our partners up there; and in Notts, we're tendering for a sustainability and Habitats Regulations Assessment project.