CGO Ecology Ltd : Clients
Note: This page is due for updates. While it provides an overview of the types of projects we undertake, it doesn't include our most recent work.
Abbas Ecology Ltd
- 2017 - Reptile survey of coastal cliffs - East Cliff, Bournemouth Dorset.
- 2015 - Installation of reptile exclusion fencing - Bishopstoke, Hampshire.
- 2015 - Reptile capture/translocation in relation to housing development - Bishopstoke, Hampshire.
- 2015 - Dusk bat emergence survey, in support of an application to Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council - Basingstoke, Hampshire.
- 2015 - Dawn bat return survey, in support of an application to East Dorset District Council - Ferndown, Dorset.
- 2014 - Dawn return bat survey for residential development, in support of an application to East Hampshire District Council - Selborne, Hampshire.
- 2014 - Dawn return bat survey for residential development, in support of an application to Bracknell Forest Council - Crowthorne, Surrey.
- 2014 - Dusk emergence bat survey for residential development, in support of an application to East Dorset District Council - Ferndown, Dorset.
Abbeyfield Wessex Society Ltd
- 2015 - Extended Phase 1 ecology survey for residential care home re-development (via Bright Space Architects Ltd), in support of an application to New Forest District Council - Abbeyfield House, Herbert Road, New Milton, Hampshire.
ADG Architects Ltd
- 2016 - Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey) of large residential property, in relation to development application to Epping Forest District Council - Chigwell, Essex.
- 2016 - Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey) of land subject to care home development and application to Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council - Hatfield Avenue, Hatfield, Hertfordshire.
- 2016 - Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey) of brownfield land subject to care home development and application to Ipswich Borough Council - Europa Way, Ipswich, Suffolk.
- 2017 - Reptile survey, mitigation plan and compensation recommendations forbrownfield site - Europa Way, Ipswich, Suffolk.
AECOM Ltd / Lafarge Tarmac Ltd
- 2015 - Reptile survey, woodlark survey and EPS licensing consultancy for proposed road construction depot site and access road - Avon Common, Dorset.
Alaska Wind Farm Ltd (Infinergy Ltd / Purbeck Wind LLP)
- 2016 - Phase 1 walkover surveys of proposed cable route, Masters Quarry to Wareham - Alaska Wind Farm, Dorset.
- 2015 - Contribution to EEMP (Ecological and Environmental Management Plan) to satisfy the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG), Purbeck District Council, Natural England and other consultees/stakeholders, in relation to proposed windfarm development - Alaska Wind Farm, Dorset.
- 2015 - Advice on cable route selection - Alaska Wind Farm, Dorset.
- 2015 - Mitigation advice on turbine construction routes and timing - Alaska Wind Farm, Dorset.
- 2015 - Extended Phase 1 Habitat and Ecology Survey of large quarry complex - Alaska Wind Farm, Dorset.
- 2015 - Dartford warbler breeding bird survey (BBS), nightjar BBS, woodlark BBS, 72hrs of vantage point (VP) bird surveys, territory mapping, impact assessment, mitigation advice - Alaska Wind Farm, Dorset.
- 2015 - Monthly bat activity surveys (dusk emergence, dawn return, SM2Bat static detector), call analysis using Kaleidoscope and other software, impact-assessment, mitigation advice - Alaska Wind Farm, Dorset.
- 2015 - Reptile surveys (incl sand lizard, smooth snake), impact-assessment and mitigation advice for proposed renewables development - Alaska Wind Farm, Masters Pit, Puddletown Road, East Stoke, Dorset.

Amphibian & Reptile Conservation Trust
- 2017 - CSM of Stones Road Pond SSSI, Epsom, Surrey.
- 2013 - Common Standards Monitoring (CSM) - piloting revised CSM methodologies on 22 herpetofauna interest features for 17 SSSIs and 9 SACs across England, as part of ARC's MoA with Natural England. The sites were: Annesley Woodhouse Quarries SSSI (Nottinghamshire), Bee's Nest & Green Clay Pits SSSI/SAC (Derbyshire), Blue Pool & Norden Heaths SSSI (Dorset), Clints Quarry, Moota SSSI/SAC (Cumbria), Crookhill Brick Pit SSSI/SAC (Dorset), Denby Grange Colliery Ponds SSSI/SAC (West Yorkshire), Gong Hill SSSI (Surrey), Holnest SSSI/SAC (Dorset), Kirk Deighton SSSI/SAC (North Yorkshire), Little Wittenham SSSI/SAC (Oxfordshire), Lyppard Grange Ponds SSSI/SAC (Worcestershire), New Hartley Ponds SSSI (Northumberland), Powerstock Common & Wytherston Farm SSSI (Dorset), Rixton Clay Pits SSSI/SAC (Cheshire), Stones Road Pond SSSI (Surrey), Turbary & Kinson Commons SSSI (Dorset).
- 2012 - Adder Status Project (ASP) - Status assessment for the adder (Vipera berus) in England, and development of monitoring systems; for Natural England.
- 2012 - Museums and Archives Project - Evaluation of archaeozoological archives and preserved specimens across England, and their potential for informing research into herpetofauna conservation and past distributions.
- 2010 - Advice and production of working paper on setting up an ecological consultancy
- 2007-present - Annual survey of NARRS 1km squares, Dorset
- 2006-present - Annual monitoring of Make the Adder Count sites, Dorset
- 2009 - Sand lizard monitoring - Reintroduction site, Sandwich Bay, Kent.
Andrews Ecology Ltd
- 2013 - Reptile capture and translocation (including adders) from a five-hectare area of moorland on the edge of Dartmoor, as part of china clay quarrying operations - Headon Quarry, Cornwood, Devon.
- 2010 - Capture and translocation of smooth snakes (and other reptiles) under EPS licence - Burnt Hill, Ringwood Forest, Hampshire (on behalf of Tarmac Ltd)
- 2010 - Nightjar survey - Burnt Hill, Ringwood Forest, Hampshire
- 2008-2010 - Reptile translocations and mitigation advice - Headon, Hemerdon & Smallhanger Quarries, Cornwood near Ivybridge, Devon (on behalf of China clay quarry operator)
- 2010 - Breeding bird survey - Hemerdon Quarry, Devon
- 2009 - Reptile survey, mitigation advice, and EPS licence preparation - Burnt Hill, Ringwood Forest, Hampshire (on behalf of Tarmac Ltd)
- 2008-2009 - Great crested newt survey and mitigation advice - Kingsley, Alton, Hampshire (on behalf of Tarmac Ltd)
- 2008-2009 - Amphibian surveys and mitigation advice - Plumley, Somerley Estate, Ringwood Forest, Hampshire (on behalf of Tarmac Ltd)
- 2008 - Great crested newt survey and advice - Thatcham, Berkshire (on behalf of Tarmac Ltd)
- 2007-2008 - Smooth snake mitigation strategy & advice - Blue Haze, Somerley Estate, Ringwood Forest, Hampshire (on behalf of Tarmac Ltd).
Appleton Weiner Ltd
- 2015 - Extended Phase 1 Ecological Survey and BS5837:2012 Tree Inspection for private residential development, in support of an application to Islington Council - Arlington Square, Islington, London N1.
Arb Access Ltd
- 2017 - Aerial bat survey of trees affected by proposed surgery to maintain perimeter security of a gas installation. Our licensed bat surveyor and tree-climber Adam Day climbed three mature oak trees, to identify whether they contained any bat roosts, prior to removal of tree limbs - Mappowder, North Dorset.
Arcus Renewable Energy Consulting
- 2009 - Survey of reptile occurrence and distribution on large upland moorland site (c.500 ha), with advice and recommendations for mitigation, as part of EIA/EcIA of a possible windfarm development - Richmond, North Yorkshire.
ARK Architects Ltd (Marlborough)
- 2016 - Bat preliminary roost assessment of hotel buildings, walled garden and trees, including aerial inspection (rope access) - Brownsover Hall Hotel, Rugby, Warwickshire.
- 2016 - Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey of hotel and extensive gardens subject to hotel accommodation proposal, in relation to development application to Rugby Borough Council - Brownsover Hall Hotel, Rugby, Warwickshire.
Ashford Power Ltd / FirstGen International
- 2016 - Ecologist provision to perform an Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) supervisory role during rubble removal and levelling of earth bunds. Part of site preparation for new industrial installation - Kingsnorth Industrial Estate, Hoo, Medway, Kent. Site adjacent to Damhead Creek Power Station, and near to decommissioned Kingsnorth Power Station. Great crested newts have been recorded previously on the Medway Peninsula, and an ecologist presence was a precautionary measure during groundworks. No GCNs were found.
Atlas Elektronik Ltd / ARID Design & Management Consultants
- 2016 - Grassland Management Plan and DCC Biodiversity Mitigation Plan - Atlas House, Winfrith Green Technology Park, Purbeck, Dorset.
- 2016 - Bat tree roost assessment and nesting bird survey - Atlas House, Winfrith Green Technology Park, Purbeck, Dorset.
- 2016 - BS5837:2012 tree survey - Atlas House, Winfrith Green Technology Park, Purbeck, Dorset.
- 2015 - Tree inspection and bat dusk emergence survey - Atlas House, Winfrith Green Technology Park, Purbeck, Dorset.
- 2015 - Extended Phase 1 Habitat and Ecology Survey for land and structures, in relation to proposals for future expansion of existing industrial operation - Atlas House, Winfrith Green Technology Park, Purbeck, Dorset.
Baily Garner LLP (Birmingham)
- 2017 - Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey of school buildings and grounds - Solihull, West Midlands.
Barron Design Ltd (Wrexham)
- 2016 - Extended Phase 1 Ecology Survey to support application to Newark and Sherwood District Council for a poultry hatchery development - Newark, Nottinghamshire.
- 2016 - Breeding bird surveys prior to development of a rank grassland site, following a planning condition of Newark and Sherwood District Council. Two visits were carried out in August during the nesting period, spread two weeks apart.

BCP Council
Biffa Waste Services Ltd
- 2016 - Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey) and Hedgerow Regulations Survey of hedgerow affected by proposed haul road realignment, in relation to application to Reigate and Banstead Borough Council - Patteson Court Landfill, Redhill, Surrey.
Bigbury Orchard Ltd
- 2014 - Extended Phase 1 habitat and ecology survey for proposed campsite development, in support of an application to Canterbury City Council - Canterbury, Kent.
Biocensus Ltd
- 2014 - Great crested newt surveys for proposed solar PV project, in support of an application to Shropshire Council - Hadley Farm, Whitchurch, Shropshire.
Borough of Poole
- 2015 - Reptile survey of land affected by works on tidal inlets - Holes Bay, Poole Harbour, Dorset.
- 2013 - Reptile survey of land that will house scaffolding and a site compound, in relation to works on a tidal channel discharging into Holes Bay at Creekmoor Bridge - Upton Road, Creekmoor, Poole, Dorset.

Boskalis Westminster Ltd
Bournemouth Borough Council
- 2015 - Advice on management of Whitepits Rough, Hengistbury Head - Bournemouth, Dorset.
- 2011 - Monitoring of sand lizard, adder, and general reptile populations. Conservation status assessments, habitat management advice - Turbary Common, Bournemouth, Dorset.
- 2011 - Reptile conservation status assessment and habitat management advice - Hengistbury Head, Bournemouth, Dorset.
- 2010 - Survey of sand lizards, adders, and widespread reptiles. Conservation status assessments, habitat management advice on Turbary Common and Kinson Commons SSSI - Bournemouth, Dorset.
- 2008 - Reptile survey and mitigation advice in relation to development of Alum Chine 'super-huts' (beach huts) - Bournemouth, Dorset
C P Walker & Son
- 2015 - ECoW supervision of 'soft demolition' of house roof (via Breathing Space Developments Ltd) - Beeston, Broxtowe Borough, Notts.
- 2015 - Dusk emergence and dawn return bat surveys of residential property - Beeston, Nott'm.
- 2015 - Bat inspection and bird nesting assessment of derelict bungalow, in support of an application to Broxtowe Borough Council - Beeston, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire.
Caldecotte Consultants
- 2013 - Extended Phase 1 ecological survey of private land in relation to proposed development, in support of an application Christchurch Borough Council - Walkford, Christchurch, Dorset.
- 2013 - Bat emergence survey of outbuilding and dead tree in grounds of a public house, in support of an application Christchurch Borough Council - Walkford, Christchurch, Dorset.
Caledonian Conservation Ltd
- 2012 - Ecological Clerk of Works, reptile and breeding bird surveys, watching brief and supervision of trackside works for railway maintenance project (devegetation, French drains, slope stabilisation), working with IKM Consulting Ltd and Network Rail - Drumshinnoch/Carronbridge, Thornhill, Dumfries & Galloway.
- 2012 - Advice on reptile survey for a windfarm development - Scottish Borders.
Cameron & Cole LLP
- 2013 - Preliminary ecological assessment (with particular reference to foxes, bats, reptiles, birds) of private dwelling and gardens, in relation to proposed residential development, in support of an application Poole Borough Council - Canford Cliffs Village, Poole, Dorset.
Christchurch Borough Council
- 2012 - Reptile survey & recommendations for management plan revision - Steamer Point LNR, Christchurch, Dorset.
- 2012 - Advice on reptile translocation and mitigation associated with a development in Christchurch, Dorset.
Colston Estates Ltd
- 2015 - Bat inspection and report for proposed demolition of existing buildings and erection of new dwelling, in support of application to Purbeck District Council - Bovington, nr Wool, Dorset.

Cornwall Wildlife Trust
- 2015 - Survey for Desmoulins' whorl snail (Vertigo moulinsiana) on Nansmellyn Marsh Nature Reserve - Perranporth, Cornwall.
- 2015 - Survey for mud snail (Lymnaea glabra) on Red Moor Nature Reserve (Red Moor SSSI) and Breney Common Nature Reserve (Breney Common SSSI) - Lostwithiel, Cornwall.
Coronella Ecology
- 2014 - Dawn return bat survey for residential development on a farm, in support of an application to Wiltshire Council - Sutton Mandeville, Wiltshire.

Coventry City Council
- 2017 - Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey, WBRC data search, and mitigation recommendations in relation to development of former car park site - Salt Lane Car Park & Shrub Walk, Coventry, West Midlands.
CPMG Architects Ltd
- 2017 - Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey of residential tower block and surrounding land - Burrows Court, Sneinton, Nottingham.
- 2016 - Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey) of former industrial land (brownfield site) subject to residential development proposal and application to Nottingham City Council - Trent Lane, Nottingham.
- 2015 - Bat activity survey (dusk emergence) of a wall in a former industrial site, in support of application to Nottingham City Council - Traffic Street, central Nottingham.
- 2015 - Extended Phase 1 Ecology Survey/preliminary ecological appraisal of a former industrial site, in support of an application to Nottingham City Council - Traffic Street, Nottingham.
- 2015 - Extended Phase 1 Ecology Survey of a derelict industrial site, currently used as a car park, subject to proposal by Langar Developments Ltd to build student accommodation, in support of an application to Nottingham City Council - Summer Leys Lane, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire.
- 2014 - Extended Phase 1 Habitat and Species Survey for proposed demolition of existing structures, and replacement with housing development by Swan Homes Nottingham Ltd, in support of an application to Nottingham City Council - Nottingham, Notts.
Creagh House Environmental Ltd
- 2017 - Annual monitoring of narrow-mouthed whorl snail conservation status at Doonbeg Golf Resort and SAC dunes, Co Clare, Ireland.
- 2017 - Consultancy advice in relation to proposed sea defences adjacent to internationally-protected SAC coastal dune site - Doonbeg, Co Clare, Ireland.
- 2016 - Consultancy advice in relation to effects on protected molluscs of revised designs for proposed coastal defences - Doonbeg, Co Clare, Ireland.
- 2016 - Annual monitoring of narrow-mouthed whorl snail conservation status at Doonbeg Golf Resort and SAC dunes, Co Clare, Ireland.
- 2015 - Attendance at meeting with National Parks & Wildlife Service (NPWS), Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Irish Government, to discuss impacts of proposed rock-armour (toe berm) coastal defences, in support of an application to Clare County Council & NPWS - Doonbeg Golf Resort, County Clare, Ireland.
- 2015 - Molluscan impact assessment contribution to Environmental Statement for proposed coastal defences at Doughmore Bay and potential impacts on Carrowmore Dunes SAC - Co Clare, Ireland.
- 2015 - Attendance at meeting with Irish National Parks & Wildlife Service, to discuss impact-assessment of proposed coastal defences - Doonbeg Golf Resort, County Clare, Ireland.
- Coastal protection advice and impact-assessment of proposed rock defences on a population of Vertigo angustior - Doonbeg Golf Resort, Co Clare, Ireland.
- 2015 - Survey and monitoring of narrow-mouthed whorl snail (Vertigo angustior) - Doonbeg Golf Resort, County Clare, Ireland.
- 2014 - Assessment of the likely impacts of a proposed windfarm development on a population of freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) - Shragh, County Clare, Ireland.
- 2014-2015 - Survey, monitoring and condition assessment of a population of narrow-mouthed whorl snail (Vertigo angustior) on a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and 18-hole golf course - Doonbeg Golf Resort, County Clare, Ireland.
CSa Environmental Planning (CSA Landscape Ltd, Herts)
- 2016 - Reptile survey of farmland adjacent to mainline railway corridor and A35, subject to housing development proposal - Christchurch, Dorset.
- 2015 - Reptile survey of allotments and former horticultural nursery owned by Christchurch Borough Council - Roeshot Hill, Christchurch, Dorset.
- 2009 - Training in European-protected reptile ecology, survey, handling and mitigation - Dorset.
Cyclexperience Ltd
- 2014 - Extended Phase 1 ecological survey for land affected by expansion of a bicycle hire business adjacent to a railway station, in support of an application to New Forest District Council - Brockenhurst, New Forest, Hampshire.
Daventry District Council
- 2016 - Tree inspection for bats and nesting birds, and provision of ECoW/watching brief during felling for car park extension - Daventry Country Park, Daventry, Northamptonshire.
- 2016 - Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey of footpath/cyclepath on disused railway, subject to proposed new pedestrian access - Daventry, Northamptonshire.
David Leach Ecology Ltd
- 2014 - Dawn return bat survey for residential development, in support of an application to East Hampshire District Council - Liss, Hampshire.
- 2014 - Dawn return bat survey for residential development, in support of an application to Salisbury City Council - Faulstone, Salisbury, Wiltshire.
Derbyshire Wildlife Trust
- 2013 - Reptile survey training for staff and volunteers - Whistlestop Centre, Matlock Bath, and Rose End Meadows, Cromford, Derbyshire.

Devon County Council
- 2016-2017 - Specialist zooarchaeological research services (subfossil amphibian and reptile remains identification, palaeoecology, palaeoenvironments) for rescue excavations of Lateglacial and Holocene (Late Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic) cave sediments suffering from erosion and public access - Cow Cave, Chudleigh, Devon (Heritage at Risk S17 Project, Scheduled Ancient Monument 1010726).

Dorset Council

Dorset County Council
- 2017 - Reptile survey, reptile capture/translocation, reptile monitoring and vegetation management of footprint of proposed footbridge ramps - Wareham Station, Purbeck District, Dorset.
- 2017 - Bat dusk emergence and dawn re-entry surveys of 12 trees (mostly veteran pedunculate oak, Quercus robur), monthly activity transect surveys and static detector surveys, bat call analysis and mitigation recommendations in relation to proposed A338 'Wessex Fields' junction development - Holdenhurst Village, Bournemouth, Dorset.
- 2016 - Reptile survey and mitigation advice in relation to proposed roundabout works - A35/A350 junction, Upton, Poole, Dorset.
- 2016 - Post-construction reptile monitoring to assess recolonisation of road verges - A338 Blackwater Junction to Ashley Heath Junction, East Dorset.
- 2016 - Bat transect surveys and static detection surveys of area around proposed new junction location - A338 Blackwater, Christchurch, to Cooper Dean, Bournemouth, Dorset.
- 2016 - GCN Habitat Suitability Index assessment of 36 ponds within 500m of proposed road widening and improvement scheme - A338 Blackwater to Cooper Dean, Christchurch/Bournemouth, Dorset.
- 2016 - Bat roost assessment and activity surveys of trees affected by proposed road widening project and new link road to Bournemouth Hospital - A338 Blackwater Junction (Christchurch) to Cooper Dean Roundabout (Bournemouth), Dorset.2017-
- 2016 - Reptile survey of road verges affected by proposed road widening project - A338 Blackwater Junction (Christchurch) to Cooper Dean Roundabout (Bournemouth), Dorset.
- 2016 - Nesting bird survey of road verge vegetation prior to removal, to assist planning of road widening project - A338 Blackwater Junction (Christchurch) to Cooper Dean Roundabout (Bournemouth), Dorset.
- 2016 - Fence repairs on heathland adjacent to the A338 dual carriageway - Week Common, Bisterne Estate, East Dorset.
- 2016 - Felling of one hectare of mature pines as mitigation for A338 roadworks, under Forestry Commission felling licence, in partnership with Bisterne Estate - Week Common, East Dorset District.
- 2015 - Reptile conservation advice in relation to roadworks and their impact-assessment for protected sites in the A338 Spur Road corridor - St Leonards and St Ives Heaths SSSI, Town Common SSSI, Dorset Heaths SAC, Dorset Heathlands SPA, Dorset Heathlands Ramsar.
- 2015 - Forestry Commission felling licence application in relation to heathland and woodland restoration on Bisterne Estate land, as mitigation/compensation for A338 roadworks - Week Common and Week Hill, East Dorset District, Dorset.
- 2015 - Reptile capture and translocation on land adjacent to Wattons Lane, Matchams/Avon Castle, Dorset.
- 2015 - Reptile monitoring of de-vegetated verge/soft estate adjacent to Ramsdown, Town Common, Sopley Common, Avon Common, Week Common, Matchams View, Avon Heath - A338 Bournemouth Spur Road, Dorset.
- 2015 - Heathland restoration and sand scrape provision - A338 Blackwater Junction, Week Common, Week Hill, Bostwicks Farm, A338 verges, Avon Common, FC Sopley north, Dorset.
- 2015 - Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) supervision of trial-pitting (by hand and by suction excavator), reptile exclusion fence removal, de-vegetation and other works on road verges, ditches and other soft estate; with Dorset Works Organisation (DWO), Parsons Brinckerhoff, Hanson, Knighton Countryside Management and others - A338 Blackwater Junction to Ashley Heath Junction, Dorset.
- 2015 - Heathland restoration (tree felling, scrub removal) and sand scrape provision (sand lizard egg-laying sites) on Forestry Commission land adjacent to A338 rebuilding project - Fillybrook Bottom, Sopley Common, Avon Common & Ramsdown, Dorset.
- 2015 - Heathland restoration (tree felling, scrub removal) and sand scrape provision (sand lizard egg-laying sites) on land adjacent to A338 rebuilding project - Avon Heath Country Park (DCC), Dorset.
- 2015 - High-level technical advice, project design and development - A338, Dorset.
- 2014 - Heathland restoration (tree felling, scrub removal) as mitigation for reptile impacts of A338 rebuilding project - Sopley Common (DWT), Matchams View (DCC), Avon Heath Country Park (DCC), Dorset.
- 2014 - Sand scrape provision (sand lizard egg-laying sites) as mitigation for impacts of A338 rebuilding project - Sopley Common (DWT), Matchams View (DCC), Dorset.
- 2014 - Landowner and stakeholder liaison (Dorset Wildlife Trust, Amphibian and Reptile Conservation, Bisterne Estate, Forestry Commission, Lafarge Tarmac, Dorset County Council, Natural England, Scottish and Southern Energy), negotiation of permissions for habitat restoration and enhancement work - various sites along A338 corridor, Dorset.
- 2014 - Sand lizard breeding survey of road verges, ditches and banks - A338, Dorset.
- 2014 - Reptile mitigation strategy and EPS licensing advice relating to A338, Dorset.
- 2013 - Developing method statement and enhancement strategy for proposed road maintenance works - A338 from Blackwater (Hurn) to Ashley Heath/St Ives, Dorset.
- 2013 - Reptile survey of the A338 Bournemouth Spur Road - Hurn to Ashley, Dorset.
- 2012 - Monitoring of translocated sand lizard population - Plumley Heath, Ringwood Forest, Dorset.
- 2011 - Monitoring of translocated sand lizard population, Ringwood Forest, Dorset. Monitoring of translocated reptiles at Merritown Heath and Chapel Lane, Hurn, Dorset. Licence negotiations and ongoing monitoring of A338 verges.
- 2009-2010 - Reptile capture and translocation from 17km of road verges using 11,000 artificial refugia. Over 2,000 reptiles moved, including sand lizards and smooth snakes under EPS mitigation licence. Creation of a new sand lizard population. Management advice and monitoring of receptor sites at Merritown Heath, Chapel Lane and Ringwood Forest - A338 Spur Road major maintenance works, Ashley Heath Junction to Blackwater Junction, Dorset.
- 2009 - Reptile survey along 21km of road verges. Preparation of Natural England EPS licence, mitigation advice, receptor site identification, landowner negotiations - A338 Spur Road major maintenance works, Ashley Heath Junction to Cooper Dean Roundabout, Dorset.
Dorset Wildlife Trust
- 2017 - Silver birch and gorse scrub remova, stump treatment with glyphosate (4 hectares, 80 man-days) to restore lowland dry heathland - Lower Common, Three Legged Cross, Dorset.
- 2015 - Terrestrial mollusc survey for Brownsea Island BioBlitz (jointly with National Trust) - Brownsea Island, Poole Harbour, Dorset.
- 2013 - Terrestrial mollusc surveys of Townsend SSSI - Swanage, Purbeck, Dorset.
- 2013 - Terrestrial mollusc survey of Fontmell Down (Fontmell and Melbury Downs SSSI) - Fontmell Magna, Shaftesbury/Blandford Forum, North Dorset.
- 2013 - Terrestrial mollusc survey of Powerstock Common & Wytherston Farm SSSI - Powerstock, West Dorset.
- 2011 - Training for staff and volunteers - reptile identification, ecology, conservation, survey methods, monitoring, capture, handling, translocation and licensing - Upton Heath & Beacon Hill Urban Wildlife Centre, Corfe Mullen, Dorset.
- 2011 - Advice and assistance with set-up of reptile survey on Brownsea Island, Poole Harbour, Dorset.
Dot Architecture (Bournemouth)
- 2017 - Bat and barn owl PRA of residential property - St Anthony's Road, Meyrick Park, Bournemouth, Dorset.
- 2017 - Bat and barn owl PRA of residential property - Minstead Road, East Howe, Bournemouth, Dorset.
- 2017 - Bat PRA, bat dusk emergence and dawn re-entry surveys of residential property - Hurn Way, Christchurch, Dorset.
- 2017 - Bat and barn owl PRA, bat dusk emergence and dawn re-entry surveys of residential property - Wiltshire Gardens, Bransgore, Hampshire.
- 2017 - Bat and barn owl PRA of residential property - St Anthony's Road, Meyrick Park, Bournemouth, Dorset.
- 2017 - Bat and barn owl PRA, Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey, bat dusk emergence and dawn re-entry surveys of residential property - Pentridge Lane, Sturminster Newton, Dorset.
Doubloon Developments Ltd (Sovereign Housing Association)
- 2015 - Installation of reptile exclusion fence at a large disused social housing site, subject to reptile mitigation and proposals for development to new social housing - Strete Mount, Christchurch, Dorset.

Drew Construction Ltd (New Milton)
- 2017 - Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey and recommendations to achieve full ecology points under the Housing Quality Mark (HQM) scheme) for a former car park converted to residential development - Palmerston Road, Bournemouth, Dorset.
Ecological Planning & Research Ltd
- 2017 - Bat dusk emergence and dawn re-entry surveys - Dera N, Chobham, Surrey.
- 2017 - Bat dusk emergence and dawn re-entry surveys - Shinfield, Reading, Berkshire.
- 2017 - Bat dusk emergence and dawn re-entry surveys - Prince Philip Barracks, Bordon, Hampshire.
- 2017 - Bat dusk emergence and dawn re-entry surveys - Milford-on-Sea, Hampshire.
- 2017 - Bat dusk emergence and dawn re-entry surveys - Harlow, Essex.
Emotion Energy Ltd
- 2012 - Extended Phase 1 habitat survey, Biodiversity Mitigation Plan, and assistance with Dorset Biodiversity Appraisal system relating to planning application for a solar photovoltaic array, in support of an application Purbeck District Council - Redbridge Farm, Lytchett Matravers, Dorset.
- 2012 - Bat inspection, advice on tree work and retention, terrestrial GCN survey - Redbridge Farm, Lytchett Matravers, Dorset.
Empery & Co Ltd
- 2016 - Bat PRA, dusk and dawn surveys, and mitigation advice - Bingham Drive, Lymington, Hampshire.
- 2016 - Bat PRA of residential property - Mount Grace Drive, Poole, Dorset.
- 2016 - Bat PRA, dusk surveys of residential property - Wray Common Road, Reigate, Surrey.
- 2016 - Bat PRA of residential property - Studland road, Bournemouth, Dorset.
- 2015 - Extended Phase 1 ecology survey of residential property and associated, with assessment of potential impacts on neighbouring culverted stream, in support of an application to Southampton City Council - Oakley Road, Southampton, Hampshire.
Environmental Perspectives LLP
- 2011 - Licensed reptile survey of former industrial site, mitigation advice, in support of an application to Poole Borough Council - land owned by Sembcorp Bournemouth Water Limited at Alderney Water Treatment Works, Francis Avenue, Poole, Dorset.
ESP Design
- 2016 - Extended Phase 1 Ecology Survey of residential property, to support application to Bassetlaw District Council - Darlton, Notts.
Fera/Defra - GB Non-Native Species Secretariat
- 2013 - Peer review of risk assessment for an invasive non-native reptile species (European wall lizard Podarcis muralis) in Great Britain
- 2011-2012 - Risk Assessment of the establishment and potential invasiveness of the western green lizard (Lacerta bilineata) in Great Britain.
Force Contracting Services Ltd
- 2016 - Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey) of land subject to industrial development proposal, in relation to application to Bassetlaw District Council - Highgrounds Industrial Estate, Worksop, Nottinghamshire.

Forestry Commission
- 2015 - Brush-cutting of pine regeneration on SSSI heathland - Hurn Forest, Dorset.
- 2015 - New Forest Adder Hibernaculum Inventory Phase 2 - Ground-truthing of all known adder hibernation sites in the New Forest, to: 1) improve polygon positional accuracy, shape and size; 2) survey quality and persistence of suitable vegetation cover and topographic features; 3) assess habitat condition and recommend management actions; 4) scope potential undiscovered hibernation areas; 5 - recommend options for Phase 3 surveys and future work - New Forest, Hampshire.
- 2014 - New Forest Adder Hibernaculum Inventory Phase 1 - Desk-based survey of adder (Vipera berus) hibernacula locations, creation of a GIS site register/inventory, analysis, heathland and forest management advice to safeguard adder hibernation locations. The project was commissioned for the New Forest Higher Level Stewardship (HLS) Agreement for The Verderers of the New Forest, and included National Trust Northern Commons, by agreement. Data was gathered from a range of recorders, experts and data-holders, including ARC, HBIC, NE, NFNPA, FC, and various independent voluntary recorders. The geographical scope spanned the entire Open Forest and Inclosures land holdings of the Crown Estate in the New Forest National Park, as well as Commons owned by the National Trust, and adjacent areas outside the National Park. The exercise also involved development of a proposal for future adder survey and research across the New Forest, Hampshire.
- 2013-2016 - Reptile surveys in four forest areas, as part of Specialist Ecological Surveys Framework Contract (South England Forest District) - area 1 (Wareham, Ringwood), area 2 (New Forest), area 3 (Isle of Wight), area 4 (Micheldever, Chiddingfold, South Downs). Won by open tender.
- 2013-2016 - Amphibian surveys in two forest areas, as part of Specialist Ecological Surveys Framework Contract (South England Forest District) - area 1 (Wareham, Ringwood), area 2 (New Forest). Won by open tender.
- 2011-2012 - Reptile surveys of Clipstone Forest/Sherwood Pines Country Park, Nottinghamshire.
Freshwater Habitats Trust
- 2015 - Fairy shrimp (Chirocephalus diaphanus) surveys and pond condition surveys of sites around Burley and Lyndhurst - New Forest, Hampshire.
- 2014 - GCN, mud snail and pond condition survey for PondNet - Forest Road, nr Burley, New Forest, Hampshire.
Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust
- 2015 - Assistance with electrofishing (electric fishing) of salmon and trout parr, to allow PIT-tagging of netted fish, prior to release as part of long-term national monitoring programme - River Frome near Wool, Purbeck, Dorset.
Gibraltar Museum
- 2011-2012 - Monograph chapter on reptile and amphibian remains from levels III and IV (Late Pleistocene) - Gorham's Cave, Gibraltar.
- 2002-2011 - Research into subfossil herpetofaunal remains from Late Pleistocene/Upper Palaeolithic cave deposits. Contributions to monograph - Gorham's Cave, Gibraltar.
Gleeds Advisory Services Ltd
- 2012 - Phase 2 ecological surveys (flora, birds, reptiles, molluscs, other invertebrates), advice and negotiation with stakeholders for Portland Academy/Southwell Business Park, Portland, Dorset.
- 2011 - Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey and phase 1 bat inspection - Portland Academy, Southwell Business Park, Portland, Dorset (on behalf of Compass Point Estates LLP). Including completion/submission of DCC biodiversity checklist, biodiversity mitigation plan, and negative bat certificate, in support of an application to Weymouth & Portland Borough Council.
Glenridding House Hotel
2016 - Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey) of hotel grounds subject to development proposals for jetty, boathouse and other facilities adjacent to SSSI/SAC lake, in relation to application to Eden District Council - Glenridding, Ullswater, Cumbria.
Good Energy Group plc
- 2014 - Reptile mitigation advice and input to Dorset County Council Biodiversity Mitigation Plan for proposed solar PV development, in support of an application to Purbeck District Council - Cold Harbour, Wareham Forest, Dorset. In partnership with Spalding Associates (Environmental) Ltd.
Grange Meadows Ltd (Essex)
- 2015 - Review of site history and ecological file (bats, GCN, reptiles, extended Phase 1), and advice on GCN and botanical management - Chigwell Meadows and land at Grange Farm, Chigwell, Essex.
Green Bee Homes Ltd
- 2017 - Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey, bat PRA, reptile survey, DCC NET BMP and mitigation recommendations in relation to small residential development - Blandford Road, Hamworthy, Poole Borough, Dorset.
Green Finger Solutions Ltd (Downton)
- 2016 - Chainsaw operator for tree felling and scrub clearance work - Moot Hall Gardens, Downton, Wiltshire.
- 2014 - Chainsaw assistance with tree felling work - Downton, Wiltshire.
Groundwork London
- 2013 - Reptile survey and management recommendations for large grassland nature reserve and open space - Wormwood Scrubs, East Acton, London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, London.
- 2007 - Common lizard survey and habitat management advice of enclosure previously used as receptor site for Network Rail's North Pole Rail Depot project. Similar survey of large adjacent areas of grassland open space - Wormwood Scrubs, London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, West London.
Hanson Aggregates (Hanson Quarry Products Europe Ltd/HeidelbergCement Group)
- 2015 - ECoW destructive search and supervision of bund removal and re-profiling work following reptile capture programme - Avon Common Sand and Gravel Quarry, Hurn, Christchurch Borough, Dorset.

Haulfryn Group Ltd
- 2016 - Scrub and tree management as reptile mitigation - Tadley/Aldermaston, Berkshire.
- 2016 - Production of Reptile Mitigation Plan, Grassland Management Plan, Woodland Management Plan, GCN Mitigation Plan, Planting Scheme for park home development - Ravenswing Park, Aldermaston, Berkshire.
- 2016 - Reptile capture and translocation from grassland and scrub site, prior to residential development (park homes) - Ravenswing Park, Aldermaston, Berkshire.
- 2016 - Great crested newt (GCN) Habitat Suitability Assessment (HSI) of 12 ponds within 500m of proposed residential development. HSI scores were ranked from Poor to Excellent, and eDNA testing pursued for those with Average or above score- Ravenswing Park, Aldermaston, Berkshire.
- 2015 - Extended Phase 1 Ecology Survey of land subject to residential development propopsal (park homes), in support of an application to West Berkshire Council - Ravenswing Park, Aldermaston, Berkshire.
- 2015 - ECoW supervision of asbestos and other fly-tipped waste removal on site containing reptiles - Ravenswing Park, Aldermaston, Berkshire.
Hayling Golf Club
- 2016 - Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey) of sand dunes affected by proposal to build new half-way toilet facilities for golfers, in relation to application to Havant Borough Council - Hayling Island Golf Links, Hampshire.
Heritage Architecture (West Byfleet)
- 2017 - Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey of residential property - Friars Rise, Woking, Surrey.
Heritage England (formerly English Heritage)
- 2015 - Identification and zooarchaeological interpretation of natterjack toad and other amphibian bones from postmedieval contexts (especially an 18th-century drain fill) at a riparian site beside the River Thames - Chiswick, West London.
Herpetologic Ltd
- 2008 - Reptile capture and translocation from 10-hectare grassland site on former sand and gravel quarry, for Weymouth Relief Road/2012 Olympics Park & Ride Scheme (on behalf of RPS Group for Dorset County Council) - Weymouth, Dorset.
- 2008 - Reptile survey and assessment - Membury, Wiltshire.
- 2008 - Great crested newt survey (artificial egg strips, netting), in support of an application to Lewes District Council - Peacehaven, East Sussex.
Holme Sand & Ballast LLP
- 2017 - Vegetation survey to map position of mire boundary in relation to neighbouring mineral extraction site proposal - Stoke Heath, Gallows Hill/Puddletown Road, Dorset.
- 2017 - Reptile survey (including sand lizard, smooth snake) of five areas affected by mineral extraction activities - Masters Pit, Puddletown Road, Dorset.
- 2016 - GCN Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) and eDNA survey of ponds within 500m of proposed quarry - Gallows Hill (Area A), near Wool, Dorset.
- 2016 - Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey) of former quarry land, in relation to proposed sand and gravel extraction - Gallows Hill (Area A), near Wool, Dorset.
- 2015 - Reptile monitoring of heathland translocated by Alaska Environmental Contracting Ltd - Masters Pit, Dorset.
- 2015 - Survey of sand lizards, smooth snakes and other reptiles in areas affected by proposed quarry operations; impact-assessment and development of EPS mitigation licence application - Masters Pit, Dorset.
- 2015 - Post-development monitoring of translocated sand lizards - Masters Quarry (North Quarry NW), Puddletown Road, East Stoke, Dorset.
- 2014 - EPS licence Master Plan development assistance - Masters Pit, Dorset.
- 2014 - Licensed capture and translocation of sand lizards and other reptiles - Masters Pit, Dorset.
- 2014 - Reptile surveys and preparation of EPS mitigation licence for sand lizards - Masters Pit, Dorset.
- 2013 - Reptile mitigation strategy and advice for 25-year mineral extraction programme and heathland restoration plan - Masters Pit, East Stoke, Wareham, Dorset.
IKM Consulting Ltd
- 2012 - Waverley Line (Borders Railway) - Reptile survey for a major railway project in Midlothian and the Scottish Borders. The reopening of the iconic Waverley Line (closed under the Beeching Axe) has been on the cards for many years, with progress accelerated since the Waverley Railway (Scotland) Act 2006. The 50km route finally reopened in 2015, and the construction operation was a joint venture between BAM Nuttall and Network Rail. CGO Ecology Ltd was instructed by IKM Consulting Ltd to perform a reptile survey of the route in September 2012. This involved a full walkover of the 50km disused railway route, through agricultural land, woodland and urban areas. Refugia were laid in 50 locations (10 roofing felt mats at each), and all were surveyed seven times in September/October 2012. Very few reptiles were found; only common lizards in one location on the route itself, and two other incidental records arose from locations within 500m of the route. Mitigation advice was provided to the client. It is quite extraordinary that such a large swathe of countryside, admittedly lowland and agricultural in the main, had so few reptiles on it. The neighbouring muir-capped hills almost certainly held more reptiles. When the Borders Railway opened in summer 2015, CGO Ecology's Director Chris Gleed-Owen took a ride on one of the first trains; something of a pilgrimage, to see how the route had (dramatically) changed.
Incorporated Bournemouth Free Church Council
- 2017 - Badger survey and consultancy, trail camera installation and monitoring, Natural England liaison, sett closure licence application, sett closure implementation with one-way gates and ground-proofing, badger monitoring - Bournemouth, Dorset.
Inst. of Archaeology (University of Oxford) & Nat. Inst. of Archaeological Science (INSAP), Morocco
- 2011-2013 - Subfossil herpetofaunal analysis - identification and palaeoenvironmental interpretation of Upper Palaeolithic (Late Pleistocene) remains from Taforalt Cave, Morocco (for Professor Nick Barton, Oxford and Dr Abdeljalil Bouzouggar, Rabat).
Institute of Archaeology, University of Oxford
- 2000-2011 - Palaeontological study and palaeoecological research on Late Pleistocene/Upper Palaeolithic subfossil amphibian and reptile assemblages. Contributions to monograph - Gorham's Cave and Vanguard Cave, Gibraltar Caves Project.
Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management
- 2011 - Production of an IEEM competencies note on minimum standards for reptile survey skills.
- 2011 - Assistance with IEEM competencies note on minimum standards for natterjack toad survey skills.

JSM Group
- 2017 - Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey and nesting bird survey of coastal site, in relation to buried cable remedial works - Wyke Regis, Weymouth & Portland District, Droset.
KP Ecology Ltd
- 2014 - Dusk emergence bat survey for residential development, in support of an application to Borough of Poole Council - Canford Cliffs, Poole, Dorset.
- 2012 - Reptile survey and advice relating to planned works at Borough of Poole pumping station - Branksome Dene Chine, Poole, Dorset.

Laing O’Rourke
Lindsay Carrington Ecological Services Ltd
- 2016 - Desmoulins' whorl snail survey of woodland and marsh site near to proposed housing development application to Fareham Borough Council - Swanwick, Hampshire.
- 2016 - Adder handling training for 12 staff - Scotland Heath and Rempstone, Purbeck, Dorset.
- 2015 - Dusk emergence bat survey (3 surveyors) for residential development - Wimborne, Dorset.
- 2014 - Dusk emergence and dawn return bat surveys for residential development, in support of an application to Borough of Poole - Broadstone, Poole, Dorset.
- 2014 - Dusk emergence bat survey for residential development, in support of an application to East Dorset District Council - Witchampton, Wimborne, Dorset.
- 2014 - Dusk emergence and dawn return bat surveys for commercial development, in support of an application to Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council - Tangier Park, Wootton St Lawrence, Basingstoke, Hampshire.
- 2014 - Dusk emergence and dawn return bat surveys for residential development, in support of an application to Bournemouth Borough Council - Kinson Manor, Bournemouth, Dorset.
- 2014 - Dusk emergence bat survey for development, in support of an application to Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council - Solihull, West Midlands.
- 2014 - Dusk emergence bat survey for residential development, in support of an application to Test Valley Borough Council - Ludgershall, Wiltshire.
- 2014 - Dusk emergence bat survey for residential development, in support of an application to New Forest District Council - Frogham, New Forest, Hampshire.
- 2014 - Dawn return bat survey for residential development, in support of an application to Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council - Ramsdell, Basingstoke, Hampshire.
Locogen Ltd
- 2015 - Bat monitoring implementation plan for single wind turbine, to fulfil condition of consent from Stroud District Council, and in agreement with Natural England - Sharpness Docks, Berkeley, Gloucestershire.
- 2014 - Great crested newt surveys and reptile mitigation advice for proposed Limolands solar PV farm, in support of an application to New Forest District Council - Tiptoe, Sway/Hordle, New Forest, Hampshire.
Longprime Ltd
- 2017 - Great crested newt HSI survey of ponds within 250m of care home development proposal - Chigwell Row, Epping Forest District, Essex.
- 2017 - GCN eDNA on ponds within impact zone of care home development proposal - Chigwell Row, Epping Forest District, Essex.
- 2017 - Bat Preliminary Roost Assessment, dusk emergence and dawn re-entry surveys, tree survey for bats, and climbing of trees with PRFs in relation to large residential property being demolished and redeveloped as a care home - Chigwell Row, Epping Forest District, Essex.
- 2017 - Production of a general protected species mitigation plan and biosecurity protocol in relation to care home development proposal - Chigwell Row, Epping Forest District, Essex.

Mandras Estates Ltd
- 2015 - Extended Phase 1 Habitat and Ecology Survey for residential development, in support of application to Enfield London Borough Council - Enfield, North London.
Matthew Eyles Architects Ltd/Korun Estates Inc
- 2016 - Extended Phase 1 Ecology Survey of former industrial units, subject to residential development application to London Borough of Waltham Forest - Walthamstow, London.

Merton Council

Ministry of Justice
Morgan & Stuckey/PPP
- 2011 - Reptile and amphibian survey, reptile capture/translocation (grass snake, slow-worm), amphibian capture/translocation (smooth newt, common toad, common frog), habitat manipulation (vegetation management), in support of an application to Bath and North East Somerset Council. Site subject to development of 500 houses, affordable homes, and industrial units on former Polestar Print Works - Paulton, nr Midsomer Norton (Norton-Radstock), northeast Somerset.

National Trust
- 2017 - Non-marine mollusc survey of Eype Mouth & Stonebarrow Hill - Golden Cap Estate, Charmouth, Dorset.
- 2015 - Mollusc survey of woodland compartments on South Haven Peninsula, for Cyril Diver Project - Studland, Purbeck, Dorset.
- 2015 - Assistance with water vole and otter surveys for Cyril Diver Project - Studland, Purbeck, Dorset.
- 2015 - Assistance with bryophyte surveys for Cyril Diver Project - Studland, Purbeck, Dorset.
- 2015 - Assistance with mollusc training workshop for Cyril Diver Project - Studland, Purbeck, Dorset.
- 2015 - Assistance with deer census - Purbeck, Dorset.
- 2015 - Terrestrial mollusc survey for Brownsea Island BioBlitz (jointly with Dorset Wildlife Trust) - Brownsea Island, Poole Harbour, Dorset.
- 2015 - Non-marine mollusc surveys for Cyril Diver Project - South Haven Peninsula, Studland, Dorset.
- 2014 - Assistance with nightjar surveys for Cyril Diver Project - Studland, Purbeck, Dorset.
- 2014 - Assistance with reptile surveys and volunteer training for Cyril Diver Project - Studland, Purbeck, Dorset.
- 2014 - Cyril Diver Project - Breeding bird surveys for Dartford warblers, stonechats and linnets; reptile and amphibian survey workshop for volunteers; non-marine mollusc workshop for volunteers - Studland Peninsula, Dorset.
Natural England / Cresswell Associates / Hyder Consulting Ltd
- 2014 - Project design and development assistance, technical advice, survey team training, surveyor supply and management, and eDNA survey of 500 ponds, investigating detectability of great crested newt (GCN) eDNA in pond water - Cheshire and Kent.
- 2013 - Provision of high-level advice, project design, supply and management of field surveyors for Natural England's Great Crested Newt Evidence Enhancement Project (Phase 1) - HSI surveys in seven pilot areas in Buckinghamshire (Milton Keynes area), Cheshire (Nantwich area), Dorset (Purbeck), Essex (Epping area), Gloucestershire (Stroud area), Kent (Ashford area), and Lincolnshire (Wragby area).

Network Rail
Network Rail / Dyer & Butler Ltd
- 2015 - ECoW supervision by licensed bat specialist of demolition of Hamworthy Signal Box - Hamworthy Station, Dorset.
- 2015 - Habitat management advice for sand lizard receptor site - Wareham Station, Dorset.
- 2015 - Reptile survey of land affected by demolition of Poole Signal Box - Poole Station, Dorset.
- 2015 - Post-development monitoring of translocated sand lizards on former 'Old Bay Platform' area receptor site, to satisfy Natural England EPS Mitigation Licence condition - Wareham Station, Dorset.
Network Rail / McNicholas Construction Company Ltd
- 2014 - Ecological Clerk of Works during construction of a railway UTX (under-track crossing) and associated troughing, Wareham, Dorset.

Network Rail / Signalling Solutions Ltd / Geoffrey Osborne Ltd
- 2014 - Licensed capture and translocation of EPS reptiles - Wareham, Dorset.
- 2014 - Breeding bird surveys and ECoW presence during works - Wareham, Dorset.
- 2014 - Design and supervision of habitat enhancements - Wareham, Dorset.
- 2014 - Preparation and procurement of an EPS mitigation licence for smooth snakes and sand lizards - Wareham, Dorset.
- 2013 - Ecological Clerk of Works, reptile mitigation and conservation advice, assistance with EPS licensing - Poole to Wool Resignalling Project, Dorset.
New Milton Town Council
- 2016 - Adder hibernaculum survey, and staff and volunteer survey training, to support scrub management plan as part of Higher Level Stewardship agreement - Barton Common, Barton-on-Sea, New Forest District, Hampshire.

Next Phase Planning & Development (Cannock)
- 2016 - Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey) and Hedgerow Regulations survey of grassland used for horse grazing, in relation to residential development application to Wychavon District Council - Boston Lane, Evesham, Worcestershire.
- 2016 - Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey) of woodland-edge site subject to residential development application to Winchester City Council - Denmead, Hampshire.
- 2016 - Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey) and Hedgerow Regulations survey of pasture used for sheep grazing, in relation to residential development application to Bromsgrove District Council - Fairfield, near Bromsgrove, Worcestershire.
- 2016 - Bat preliminary roost assessment of farm buildings, in relation to development application to Aylesbury Vale District Council - Thornborough, Buckinghamshire.
- 2016 - Preliminary bat and barn owl appraisal of barns and outbuildings, in relation to development application to Wycombe District Council - Culverton Manor Farm, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire.
- 2016 - Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey) of land subject to residential development application to Telford and Wrekin Borough Council - Horton, Telford, Shropshire.
- 2016 - Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey) of residential garden subject to development application to North West Leicestershire District Council - Snarestone, Leicestershire.
- 2016 - Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey) of horse pasture land subject to residential development application to North Warwickshire Borough Council - Corley/Keresley, near Coventry, Warwickshire.
Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust
- 2011 - Reptile survey of nature reserve at Strawberry Hill Heaths SSSI - Mansfield, Nottinghamshire.
- 2011 - Reptile survey of nature reserve at Rainworth Heath SSSI - Rainworth, Nottinghamshire.
- 2011 - Reptile survey of nature reserve at Bentinck Banks (Kirky Grives SSSI) - Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire.
- 2011 - Reptile survey of nature reserve at Annesley Woodhouse Quarries SSSI - Annesley Woodhouse, Nottinghamshire.

Osborne Ltd / Network Rail
- 2017 - Post-development monitoring of translocated sand lizard population and other reptiles - Wareham Station, Dorset.
- 2017 - Vegetation management of reptile receptor site - Wareham Station, Dorset.
Oxborough Chartered Surveyors (Cranleigh)
- 2017 - Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey of residential property - The Green, Ewhurst, Waverley Borough, Surrey.
Parkstone Golf Club
- 2016 - Bat preliminary roost assessment and report of buildings subject to proposed development - Parkstone Golf Club, Poole, Dorset.
- 2016 - Bat dusk emergence survey - Parkstone Golf Club, Poole, Dorset.


Pick Everade
Planning Concepts & Solutions Ltd (Southampton)
- 2015 - Extended Phase 1 Ecological Survey of land adjacent to a residential property, in support of application to East Dorset District Council - Three Legged Cross, nr Verwood, Dorset.
Poole High School
- 2010 - Reptile survey of school grounds, advice on improving habitats and encouraging reptiles and amphibians on school grounds - Poole, Dorset.
Private client, Crawley, West Sussex
- 2016 - Preliminary bat inspection of residential property and trees subject to social housing development proposal to Crawley Borough Council - Crawley, West Sussex. Included full internal and external inspection of house and garage, and ground-level inspection of mature oak and sycamore trees with multiple potential roost features (PRFs), following Bat Conservation Trust guidelines (Collins, 2016) and methods of Bat Tree Habitat Key (Andrews, 2016). Advice and recommendations were given to carry out two bat presence-absence surveys (dusk emergence and dawn re-entry) from mid-May onwards. Rope-access survey of the trees would be unlikely to rule out bats, so was not deemed worthwhile.
- 2016 - Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey of residential property - Crawley, West Sussex.
- 2016 - Bat dusk emergence and dawn re-entry surveys of two trees in the garden of a residential property, subject to a development proposal for a new dwelling - Crawley, West Sussex.
RGB Group (Shrewsbury)
- 2017 - Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey and BREEAM recommendations for hotel development - Cambridge Heath Road/Nant Street, Bethnal Green, East London.
Richmond Group
- 2016 - Attendance at meeting with Bournemouth Borough Council planning officer and tree officer - Walton House, Bournemouth.
- 2015 - BS5827:2012 tree survey (Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction: Recommendations) of trees affected by proposed 'tree house' construction, mapping of root protection areas (RPAs), Tree Protection Plan, Arboricultural Method Statement - Walton House, Bournemouth.
- 2015 - Extended Phase 1 Ecological Survey and Phase 2 survey advice for proposed construction of 'tree house' structures in gardens of commercial property, in support of application to Bournemouth Borough Council - Walton House, Bournemouth.
Ridgemont Holdings Ltd
- 2017 - BS5827:2012 tree survey, Arboricultural Impact Assessment, Tree Protection Plan, and Tree Constraints Plan for proposed residential development - The Ridgeway, Enfield, North London.
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
- 2010 - Reptile habitat assessment, management advice and recommendations - West Canvey Marshes, Canvey Island, Essex.
SBC Renewables Ltd (SBC UK Ltd)
- 2014 - Review of the biodiversity value of solar PV projects, and recommendations for mitigation and habitat restoration for a proposed solar PV farm, in support of an application to Staffordshire Moorlands District Council - Moneystone Quarry, Whiston/Oakamoor, nr Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire.
Scottish Natural Heritage / Caledonian Conservation Ltd
- 2016 - Molluscan sample processing, analysis and contribution to status-assessment report - Rùm SSSI (Lochaber) and Den of Airlie SSSI (Angus), Scotland.
- 2015 - Molluscan survey of Rùm SSSI and National Nature Reserve (NNR) - Rùm, Inner Hebrides, Lochaber, Highland Region, Scotland. The island is open to the public (contrary to popular legend), but is visited by few. Our fieldwork in July 2015 sampled four different areas of the island - from dunes to mountain flushes - using litter/vegetation bulk sampling, and 'bugvaccing' (a modified leaf-blower used to suck up small invertebrates fro vegetation).
- 2015 - Site condition monitoring of lemon slug (Malacolimax tenellus) - Den of Airlie SSSI, River Isla, Airlie/Kirriemuir, nr Forfar, Angus, Scotland.
- 2013 - Mollusc survey of four designated sites in Scotland: Alvie SSSI, Cairngorms SSSI, Crathie Wood SSSI, Eastern Cairngorms SSSI, all in the Scottish Highlands. CGO Ecology Ltd is part of a consortium led by Caledonian Conservation, providing consultancy services to Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH), to deliver site condition monitoring (SCM) for a suite of SSSIs in the Cairngorms area with invertebrate interest features. Fieldwork was carried out in summer 2013 to collect substrate samples, followed by laboratory analysis in autumn 2013 (wet sieving, drying, microscopy) to assess the status of the target species. At Crathie Wood SSSI, the target was a population of the rare mountain whorl snail Vertigo alpestris. In the Eastern Cairngorms SSSI, calcareous wet flushes in several glens were targeted to monitor known occurrences, and search for new populations of, Geyer's whorl snail Vertigo geyeri. At Alvie SSSI, the shores of Loch Alvie and Loch Beag were sampled for Lilljeborg's whorl snail Vertigo lilljeborgi. Finally, Glen Feshie and other parts of the Cairngorms SSSI were surveyed to gather a molluscan species list, and prospect for V. geyeri. The target species are all minute air-breathing snails, ranging between 1.5mm to 2mm tall, with very sparse UK distributions. Their cryptic nature and size makes survey and monitoring difficult.
SDL Developments Ltd
- 2014 - Extended Phase 1 ecology survey and BREEAM Code for Sustainable Homes assessment for residential development, in support of an application to London Borough of Hillingdon - West Drayton, West London.
SEVEN Developments Ltd / Silver Arrow Ltd
- 2013 - Great crested newt HSI assessment & ecology report, in support of an application to Poole Borough Council - private residence, Lilliput, Poole, Dorset.
- 2012 - Survey and advice on introduced alpine newt populations - Peaslake, Surrey.
- Great crested newt surveys and HSI assessment of seven ponds within 500m of private residential development - Peaslake, Surrey Hills AONB, Surrey.
- 2012 - Monitoring of translocated reptile population - Peaslake, Surrey.
- 2012 - Planning assistance, advice and liaison with stakeholders - private residential development, Peaslake, Surrey.
- 2011 - Planning advice, production of mitigation statement, reptile capture and translocation, in support of an application to Waverley Borough Council - private residential development, between Shere, Peaslake and Ewhurst, near Cranleigh, Surrey.
Sherborne Girls
- 2016 - Review of revised music block development plans, letter of reliance - Sherborne Girls, Sherborne, Dorset.
- 2015 - Bat inspection of internal roof spaces/lofts in four school buildings, and bat activity survey (dusk emergence) of buildings - Sherborne Girls, Sherborne, Dorset.
- 2015 - Preliminary ecological appraisal and submission of a Biodiversity Management Plan under the Dorset Biodiversity Appraisal system, for a proposed music block development (via Tim Ronalds Architects), in support of application to North Dorset District Council - Sherborne Girls (formerly Sherborne School for Girls), Sherborne, North Dorset.
Simecology Ltd
- 2015 - GCN mitigation and EPS licensing advice relating to proposed housing development, in support of an application to Vale of White Horse District Council - Kingston Lisle, Oxfordshire.
- 2012 - Reptile Mitigation Strategy, receptor site selection, management plan, and mitigation advice, in support of an application to Bath & North East Somerset Council - St Gregory's Catholic College, Odd Down, Bath, Somerset.
- 2011 - Licensed reptile survey, negotiation of receptor site, installation of reptile-proof exclusion fencing, reptile capture and translocation, and other mitigation assistance for housing development on private property adjacent to the New Forest SSSI and National Park, in support of an application to New Forest District Council - Brockenhurst, New Forest, Hampshire.
- 2011 - Reptile survey and mitigation advice relating to a tennis court development on private property, in support of an application to New Forest District Council - Lymore, Lymington/Milford on Sea, New Forest, Hampshire.
- 2011 - Site assessment, receptor site selection, negotiation with local planning authority, production of mitigation method statement, in support of an application to Monmouthshire County Council - Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, Wales.
Solar Building Company Ltd
- 2013 - Ecological advice and biodiversity mitigation plan for proposed photovoltaic (PV) array solar farm, in support of an application Purbeck District Council - Redbridge Farm, Lytchett Matravers, Dorset.
Spalding Associates (Environmental) Ltd
- 2014 - Extended Phase 1 ecological survey for proposed solar PV development, in support of an application East Dorset District Council - Cross Roads Plantation, Alderholt, Dorset.
- 2013 - Reptile survey in relation to proposed solar farm, in support of an application Purbeck District Council - Coldharbour, Wareham Forest, Dorset.
- 2013 - Extended Phase 1 ecological survey for solar PV farm proposal, in support of an application East Dorset District Council - Alderholt, Dorset.

Spelthorne Borough Council
- 2017 - Botanical survey for brown galingale (Cyperus fuscus) at Shortwood Common (Staines Moor SSSI), one of only three occurrences of this extremely-rare plant in the UK - Staines-upon-Thames, Surrey.
- 2017 - NVC survey and management advice - Dumsey Meadow SSSI, Chertsey, Surrey.

Stonewater Ltd
- 2017 - Reptile mitigation plan, receptor site negotiation - Lytchett Matravers, Dorset.
- 2017 - Himalayan balsam pulling and disposal as controlled waste - Lytchett Matravers, Dorset.
- 2017 - Bat survey and EPS mitigation licence application - Lytchett Matravers, Dorset.
- 2017 - Badger survey - Lytchett Matravers, Dorset.
- 2017 - Botanical survey of semi-improved neutral grassland, calculation of compensation metricsand offsite contribution under Dorset Biodiversity Protocol, and revision of Biodiversity Mitigation Plan certified by DCC Natural Environment Team - Lytchett Matravers, Dorset.
- 2016 - DCC Biodiversity Mitigation Plan and botanical survey for proposed residential development - Lytchett Matravers, Dorset.
- 2016 - Himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulifera) spraying, licensed removal and controlled landfill disposal - Lytchett Matravers, Dorset.
- 2015 - Himalayan balsam survey and removal/control advice in relation to social housing proposal - Lytchett Matravers, Dorset.
- 2015 - Bat EPS Mitigation Licence application for demolition of chalet subject to social housing development proposal - Lytchett Matravers, Dorset.
- 2015 - Reptile survey and mitigation advice for land subject to social housing development proposal - Lytchett Matravers, Dorset.
- 2015 - Terrestrial great crested newt survey of land subject to social housing development proposal - Lytchett Matravers, Dorset.
- 2015 - Hazel dormouse survey of land subject to social housing development proposal - Lytchett Matravers, Dorset.
- 2015 - Bat activity survey (dusk emergence, pre-dawn return), report and mitigation advice for disused wooden chalet on land subject to social housing development proposal - Lytchett Matravers, Dorset.
- 2015 - Extended Phase 1 Habitat and Ecology Survey of land subject to proposal for development of social housing, in support of application to Purbeck District Council - Lytchett Matravers, Purbeck, Dorset.
Strutt & Parker (Estate Agents & Property Consultants)
- 2015 - Extended Phase 1 Habitat and Ecology Survey for residential development, in support of an application to Test Valley Borough Council - Elmay House, Ludgershall, Wiltshire.
Swift Ecology Ltd
- 2014 - Dusk emergence bat survey for residential development, in support of an application to Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council - Solihull, West Midlands.
Tarmac Trading Ltd
- 2015 - Vegetation management (strimming) of land in sand and gravel quarry to be used as recycling and processing plant for A338 Spur Road construction work, in order to prevent colonisation by neighbouring sand lizard population - Avon Common Sand and Gravel Quarry, Hurn, Christchurch Borough, Dorset.
- 2016 - Vegetation management (scrub clearance and strimming), in relation to new access road off A338 - Avon Common Sand and Gravel Quarry, Hurn, Christchurch Borough, Dorset.
- 2016 - Nesting bird and reptile surveys prior to construction of new access road off A338 - Avon Common Sand and Gravel Quarry, Hurn, Christchurch Borough, Dorset.
The Complete Oak Home Ltd
- 2016 - Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey) of land subject to residential development proposal, in relation to application to Windsor and Maidenhead Borough Council - Cookham, Berkshire.
- 2016 - Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey) of land and industrial buildings (former poultry farm) subject to residential development proposal, in relation to application to East Hampshire District Council - Old Odiham Rd, Alton, Hampshire.
The Herpetological Conservation Trust
- 2008 - Assistance with delivery of professional training courses in Dorset.
- 2008 - Delivery of NARRS reptile and amphibian survey training courses in Nottinghamshire and Isle of Skye.
Urban Matrix Ltd (Esher)
- 2017 - Bat PRA, dusk emergence and dawn re-entry surveys, EPS mitigation licence application, reptile survey and mitigation plan, SBIC data search, GCN HSI and eDNA surveys in relation to proposed residential development - Moore Place, Esher, Elmbridge Borough, Surrey.
URS Corporation Ltd
- 2013 - Annual monitoring of reptile populations and habitat management advice - Avon Common Sand & Gravel Quarry, Hurn, Christchurch, Dorset.
- 2012 - Advice on ecological impact mitigation and stakeholder liaison for a proposed academy school development - Southwell, Portland, Dorset.
- 2012 - Annual monitoring of reptile populations - Avon Common Sand & Gravel Quarry, Christchurch, Dorset.
- 2011 - Annual sand lizard population monitoring - Avon Common Sand & Gravel Quarry, Christchurch, Dorset.
- 2010 - Annual sand lizard population monitoring - Avon Common Sand & Gravel Quarry, Christchurch, Dorset.
- 2009 - Annual sand lizard population monitoring - Avon Common Sand & Gravel Quarry, Christchurch, Dorset.
- 2008 - Annual sand lizard population monitoring - Avon Common Sand & Gravel Quarry, Christchurch, Dorset (for Tarmac Ltd).
- 2008 - Capture and translocation of sand lizards and other reptiles under Natural England licence. Mitigation advice and assistance in preparation of EPS licence - Avon Common Sand & Gravel Quarry, Christchurch, Dorset (for Tarmac Ltd).
Victre Ltd (Nottingham)
- 2015 - Phase 2 survey advice for proposed wind turbine development - Newark and Sherwood, Nottinghamshire.
- 2015 - Extended Phase 1 habitat and ecology survey for proposed wind turbine development, in support of an application to Newark and Sherwood District Council - Rainworth, Nottinghamshire.

Vinci Facilities
W Stirland Ltd
- 2010 - Reptile mitigation strategies for school and housing developments, submissions to local planning authority (Chichester District Council). Capture and translocation of slow-worms from Elizabethan walled garden within school grounds at Seaford College, East Lavington/Duncton, West Sussex.
Waldon Telecom Ltd
- 2016 - Nesting bird survey of proposed telecoms cable route and mast location, on farmland in close proximity to SAC heathland supporting Dartford warbler, nightjar and woodlark - Frogmore/Yateley, Hampshire.
Ward Ecology
- 2012 - Great crested newt mitigation under Natural England licence - accredited agent, clerks of works, exclusion fence supervision, staff training, newt capture and translocation, pitfall trapping, project supervision, hibernaculum construction, pond construction supervision - Brickworth Quarry, A36/A27 junction, Wiltshire.
- 2012 - Nightjar and breeding bird survey - Brickworth Quarry, A36/A27 junction, Wiltshire.
- 2011 - Reptile and amphibian surveys, mitigation advice - Brickworth Quarry, nr Whiteparish, A36/A27 junction, Wiltshire (on behalf of Raymond Brown Minerals & Recycling Ltd).
- 2011 - Reptile survey, great crested newt survey, mitigation advice - Binnegar Quarry, Wareham, Dorset (on behalf of sand and gravel quarry operator Raymond Brown Minerals & Recycling Ltd).
- 2008 - Great crested newt survey and mitigation advice - Bletchingley, Redhill, Surrey (on behalf of sand and gravel quarry operator).
- 2008 - Reptile survey and mitigation advice. Great crested newt assessment, detection and mitigation advice - Moneystone Quarry, Oakamoor, Staffordshire (on behalf of sand and gravel quarry operator).
- 2008 - Reptile and amphibian surveys for proposed housing development on a former BOCM research station, in support of an application to Aylesbury Vale District Council - Stoke Mandeville, Buckinghamshire (on behalf of Landlink plc).
Wates Construction Ltd
- 2012 - Isle of Portland Aldridge Community Academy (IPACA) - Provision of the following: Method Statement for translocation of SNCI semi-improved grassland habitat, liaison with Dorset Wildlife Trust and Natural England, Management Plan for protected areas of development site, and production of an Ecological Landscape Mitigation Report, in support of an application to Weymouth and Portland Borough Council - Southwell, Portland, Dorset. In conjunction with URS Infrastructure & Environment UK Ltd.
Wiltshire Wildlife Trust
- 2013 - Adder survey and advice at Landford Bog SSSI, Wiltshire - We are carrying out a survey to identify adder hibernacula locations at this lowland heathland and bog nature reserve, and feeding our advice into a management plan to safeguard them.