• 2016 - Preliminary bat inspection of residential property and trees subject to social housing development proposal to Crawley Borough Council - Crawley, West Sussex. Included full internal and external inspection of house and garage, and ground-level inspection of mature oak and sycamore trees with multiple potential roost features (PRFs), following Bat Conservation Trust guidelines (Collins, 2016) and methods of Bat Tree Habitat Key (Andrews, 2016). Advice and recommendations were given to carry out two bat presence-absence surveys (dusk emergence and dawn re-entry) from mid-May onwards. Rope-access survey of the trees would be unlikely to rule out bats, so was not deemed worthwhile.
  • 2016 - Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey of residential property - Crawley, West Sussex.
  • 2016 - Bat dusk emergence and dawn re-entry surveys of two trees in the garden of a residential property, subject to a development proposal for a new dwelling - Crawley, West Sussex.